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Mass Schedule
Sunday Mass: 11:30 AM; Spanish Mass-2:00 PM
Daily Mass:
Tuesday, 6:15PM
Wednesday-Friday, 9:00AM
Saturday 10:00 AM
Wednesday - 5:30PM-6:20PM
Thursday-Friday at 8:30AM-8:50AM
Saturday 9:30AM-9:50AM
Sunday 1:30PM - 1:50PM
Religious Education
Classes are held from September until May. For more information please contact Jessica Dickens at 706-832-2304.
Parish Community
Parish Council meets at 7:00PM on the first Tuesday of the month.
Finance Council meets at 7:00PM on the second Tuesday of the month.
Knights of Columbus meetings are held every third Tuesday at 7:00 in the Parish Hall.
There is a Food Pantry available at the church to feed the poor. Please call the church office if you need more information or would like to make a donation.
Now At Our Parish
Holy Day of Obligation
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Vigil Mass: December 7th at 6pm
Mass: December 8th at 9am
December 10th
Covered Dish Luncheon after 11:30am Mass
A short presentation and slideshow about the pilgrimage to France will be shared.
Advent Penance Service
Friday, December 15th at 7pm
Lights with the Knights
Saturday, December 16th at 6pm
199 Crest Ridge Drive
Sunday, December 17th
Church decorating and pizza after 11:30 am Mass
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